The Six-Question Character Challenge

Six-Question banner

I’ve fallen behind on blog tags again, so it’s time to play catch-up (again). This tag is a brand new one from Brianna daSilva at Story Port. (Thank you, Brianna!)

The Six-Question Character Challenge offers six questions that you have to answer for three of your WIP’s characters. You can choose whichever characters you want. The point is to introduce these characters to your readers if you haven’t yet, and to see how they’re similar or different.

Before we get started, let’s start with… Continue reading

A Character Interview with Aurek Kolsteg of “The Keeper’s Curse”

Meet the Characters banner

After last year’s character interview with Eva, the protagonist of my YA epic fantasy WIP The Keeper’s Curse, a number of readers asked whether I’d do another character interview in the future. Immediately I knew who our next subject would be. 😉 So, today, it’s time to get to know Aurek Kolsteg a little more!

Thank you to everyone who submitted questions, by the way. A number of them focused on Aurek’s past and its impact on him. This led to a deep, thoughtful “conversation” with a few fun and cultural bits sprinkled throughout. (I say “conversation” because, well, it’s technically me answering in Aurek’s “voice.”) Enjoy!
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Submit Your Questions for Aurek’s Character Interview!

Last summer’s character interview of Eva, the protagonist of my YA fantasy WIP The Keeper’s Curse, was a huge success. I had so much fun answering readers’ questions (and so did Eva *wink*), and the overall response to the interview blew me away. So… anyone game for a second one? 🙂

Our next TKC character interview will be with Aurek Kolsteg, the second most important character after Eva. Like last time, you’ll have an opportunity to ask whatever questions you’d like, and Aurek will answer them. (Of course, it will be me answering in his “voice,” but you get the idea. *lol*)

Instructions for submitting your questions will come after the jump. First, here’s what you need to know about Aurek upfront. Continue reading

A Blogoversary Character Interview with Eva of “The Keeper’s Curse”

Happy Blogoversary

I still can’t believe that this site has been around in some form since 2009. I may have ideas churning constantly in my brain and the motivation to put them out there for others to read – but YOU are the reason I’ve kept doing this for so long. Your support, honest and constructive feedback, and friendship mean the world to me, and not enough “thank you’s” would do it all justice. So, in my opinion, this celebration is for YOU. 🙂

As promised a few weeks ago, we’re celebrating the site’s 6th birthday with a very special post: a character interview with Eva, the protagonist for my YA fantasy WIP The Keeper’s Curse. You readers asked fantastic questions; a wonderful mix of the fun, the thoughtful, and the challenging. So, again, thank you for submitting them, and I hope you enjoy the interview!

If you’d like to read other articles about Eva, check out this past edition of Chronicling The Craft, her solo Beautiful People post, and two other BP posts and her relationship with Aurek and the parental figures in her life.

And finally, stay tuned for a special (belated) blogoversary giveaway coming in August! 😉 Continue reading

Time Flies!: June 2015

Time Flies Banner

Welcome to the latest edition of Time Flies! It’s my version of a monthly update, where I recap the past month’s accomplishments and articles, share news and random things from my offline life, and hint at what may be coming in the month ahead.

Is anyone else having a hard time believing that 2015 is now halfway over? Insane, isn’t it? But so far, 2015 has been an awesome year. Creatively, personally,… and now statistically! Because of your visits, comments, social media shares, and reblogs, this site has already topped 2014’s total page view counts – meaning it’s having its best year EVER. Thank you all so, SO much for your support and feedback. It means the world to me. And that’s going to make next month’s blogoversary that much sweeter. 😀

Which reminds me: I’m still taking questions for Eva’s blogoversary character interview! Submissions will be accepted through 11:59 pm on Friday, July 3rd. Click here for details and to see which questions have been asked so far.

Now, on to this month’s summary!

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Submit Your Questions for Eva’s Character Interview!

Recently I asked for suggestions about how to celebrate the site’s upcoming 6th blogoversary. Since then, I’ve come up with not one, but TWO ideas that I’m going ahead with. One will wait until after the Writer’s Digest Conference in July / August. But we can get started on the other today!

Why “we”? Well, the “day-of” blogoversary post will be a character interview with Eva, the protagonist for my YA fantasy novel The Keeper’s Curse. This means you get to ask the questions, and Eva will answer them! (Or, rather, I’ll answer for her. *lol*)

Instructions will follow after the jump. First, for your convenience, here’s a summary about Eva from her updated character profile: Continue reading