Time Flies!: May 2015

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Welcome to the latest edition of Time Flies! It’s my version of a monthly update, where I recap the past month’s accomplishments and articles, share news and random things from my offline life, and hint at what may be coming in the month ahead.

Hope you all had a wonderful May! This past month proved to be just as busy – if not even busier – as others have been this year, even with a “stay-cation” halfway through. So let’s get right to the recap, starting with what happened at the blog:

This Month’s Posts

Interviews, Guest Blogs, and Columns

Site Updates

I’m so, SO happy with everyone’s feedback on the site facelift! 😀 😀 Your comments validated what I had hoped to accomplish: a simple, clean, easy to navigate, and appealing website. And I have to admit, it’s exciting to have my own domain. I’m very happy I finally made that investment.

Also, did you notice the new post header for Time Flies? Does the background look familiar? It’s part of the same texture file that’s used in the website header. And you’ll see that continue with other articles series like Chronicling The Craft, Stacking The Shelves, etc. from now on. 🙂 Thank you Stephanie for letting me use your artwork!

A few more cosmetic changes are on the way. Nothing too major, but I hope they’ll add to the visitor’s experience. In the meantime, let me know if you have any comments or questions, especially if you’re having trouble locating pages from Website 1.0.

Offline Happenings

So, how to describe my month of May? Let’s see… I went to The Muse & The Marketplace on May 1st, then took a week off from work to continue revising The Keeper’s Curse and take a couple day trips to Heritage Gardens and downtown Plymouth. Besides that, I plunked away at TKC on the weekends, finished a beta-reading project for a friend’s science fiction manuscript, wrote tea reviews and other articles, researched options and themes for the website upgrade, read books, worked a full-time job… And that’s still not everything. No wonder I was exhausted by the end of the month. 😦

Yeah. I have a bad habit of taking on or trying to finish too many tasks all at once, and I never seem to learn my lesson. So I need to be a little easier on myself for a while, and focus only on what I truly have time and energy for.

Regarding TKC itself, I’m really pleased with how Draft #2 is coming along. It’s still not perfect (I’d be silly to expect that at this point), but the chapters I’ve revised so far are more on track than they were in Draft #1. The word count has dropped, too. 🙂 I’ll give you more details when I post a Chronicling The Craft article to mark the 20% mark in the manuscript. That should happen around mid-June.


A random photo taken during a recent revising session. Doesn’t the owl look entranced by the candleflame? “OOOOOH PRETTYYYYYY”

May’s insanity might have been augmented by the fact that the only two TV shows I watch – Game of Thrones and Orphan Black – are running new seasons right now. Each is insane in its own way, and I’ve gotten to the point where they tense me up so much that I can’t watch either show during its regular air time. So now I watch Game of Thrones and Orphan Black “on demand” during weekday dinners. A rather appropriate time of day to watch bloody epic fantasy and violent science fiction, wouldn’t you agree? *lol* As much as I love both shows, I’ll be glad when their seasons have finished and I have two less things to make time for each week.

Despite my current bad-luck streak with new movies, I saw “The Avengers: Age of Ultron” during its opening weekend. And… well… It’s not bad, but it’s one of my least favorite Marvel movies. Too much plot crammed into 2 hours and 15-ish minutes, and too many characters vying for screen time. I know this is a precursor to the colossal superhero gathering in “The Avengers: Infinity Wars” Parts 1 and 2 (yes, even Marvel is splitting their films in two parts now *rolls her eyes*), but…  Gosh, if I had a headache by the end of “Age of Ultron” because of the climactic action sequence jumped around from character to character, how am I going to handle more of them the next time around – and the time after that, too?

Song of the Month: “Frozen” by Madonna

This song has been stuck in my head ever since I finished Laini Taylor’s Daughter of Smoke and Bone this past weekend. (Which…. Holy ASKDFJHASJHFAJHA. Can’t wait to review it now. 😀 ) I’m not entirely sure why, but the string arrangements creep into my head whenever I think back on the book’s last few pages. Maybe it’s because Daughter… is bound to stay with me for a long, long time, and “Frozen” has haunted me in its own way, ever since I bought Madonna’s Ray of Light album as a teenager. I’ve always been mesmerized by its ethereal, heart-breaking beauty and its rawness despite the electronica influence. And I have this weird habit of separating music from lyrics and then associating the music alone with emotions or images. It’s… hard to describe in any other way. Maybe it’s best to let you listen and absorb.

How Quickly Does Time Fly?

The next Time Flies is scheduled for Tuesday, June 30th. Until then, have an awesome month! 🙂

19 thoughts on “Time Flies!: May 2015

  1. Just reading about your month made me breathless! Wonder how you managed to do so many things and lived to tell the tale 🙂 You are right, you must try to do only what you have time and energy for. No point burning the candle at both ends. Loved the owl and candle pic. The owl looks real (or is he, now?) 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • *lol* Sometimes I wonder too. Zephyr. I think the adrenaline of it all kept me going for a while, so I didn’t notice it – until I started feeling drained.

      Nope, the owl isn’t real! But doesn’t he look like it? 😀 My mother saw the figurine at a gift shop somewhere on Cape Cod. It was around the time I’d read “Wesley The Owl,” a memoir about a biologist and the 20 years she took care of a barn owl she named Wesley. Seeing the owl figurine reminded Mom of the book I’d been talking about. So, now I have my own Wesley! *scratches the top of Wesley’s head*


      • You know in some parts of India, the owl is considered the symbol of prosperity. May your Wesley bring you all the riches and by that I don’t mean just material riches 🙂

        I can understand about the adrenalin keeping you going. It happens to me when the children come over or or we go on a hectic but exciting tour. I am like an 18-year-old then, flitting around doing stuff and when the house empties out or when we come back home, whooosh! the exhaustion hits and I need several days of rest and sleep to restore the energy.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I almost saw Avengers Age of Ultron last night – family went to one of those throwback drive-ins where they did a triple feature, and Avengers was the last one. It was 1:30am in the morning by the time it came on and I just couldn’t do it with feeling tired and with the cranky kids (they didn’t fall asleep as we’d hoped). Oh well, next time! We did watch the first two movies though, Cinderella and Tomorrowland, which were both pretty neat.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. That little owl is adorable! 😀 And I’m glad to hear that Draft #2 is going well. 🙂 Keep at it! You’re doing great!
    Yeah, I felt the same way about Age of Ultron… Here’s hoping the future movies will be less all action scenes, hehe.
    Oh, I finally posted the Reader Problems tag you nominated me for! Sorry it took so long…anyway, hope you enjoy it. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Sounds like you had a fun filled month! The site looks great! Very sleek. Aw you didn’t like Age of Ultron? I thought it was one of my favorite Marvel movies. The depth in it was amazing. Happy June!


    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Tori! Yeah, I didn’t care for Age Of Ultron. Way too much going on, IMO, and certain details that could have been fleshed out a little more were glossed over. But my brother enjoyed it like you did, so it could just be personal preference…


  5. Pingback: Chronicling The Craft: Revisions 20% Complete | Sara Letourneau's Official Website & Blog

  6. Pingback: Time Flies!: June 2015 | Sara Letourneau's Official Website & Blog

  7. Pingback: Time Flies!: September 2015 | Sara Letourneau's Official Website & Blog

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