Thursday Thoughtfulness: April 20, 2017

(Look for this week’s #ThursdayThoughtfulness questions after the jump.)

This Week’s Questions: What was the last object you were grateful for, no matter how small, mundane, or insignificant it might seem? How would life be different if you didn’t have this object, or if it didn’t exist at all? How easy do you think it is for us to take everyday items or occurrences for granted? Finally, how often do you remember to view situations in a pragmatic way (i.e., to took at the good as well as the bad)?

Follow #ThursdayThoughtfulness at the blog and on Twitter at 11:00 AM Eastern. Feel free to spread the thoughtfulness by reblogging this post, writing your own post on this topic, or sharing the quote image on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

11 thoughts on “Thursday Thoughtfulness: April 20, 2017

  1. Holy washing machines, Batman!

    But seriously, interesting points and questions. People have debated what is sacred and what profane for thousands of years. It sounds like the good Rabbi favors a broad and inclusive definition of the sacred, as do I.

    My late father, born into a large family on a small Irish farm, loved paving, both concrete and asphalt. Not surprising, since the tiny house he was born and raised in had earthen floors which could not be kept clean, or even level. Hard, stable, clean and safe surfaces are one of the many modern conveniences we can take for granted. My family joke that my father is probably paving Heaven as we speak. Just don’t tell Joni Mitchell!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Wow. That’s a fantastic example. E.E. Rawls had said something similar in her comment, and while I can think of a number of things that are everyday items for most of us (housing / shelter, clothing, food, etc.), I hadn’t thought of looking under my feet. Stable and clean flooring is certainly something to be grateful for, and unfortunately something that not everyone in this world has.

      Thanks for sharing, John. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • Nice choice. I think it’s easy to overlook the basic things of everyday life; not just clean water, but also having food on the table, a house / apartment to call home, clothes to wear, etc. People in other parts of the world don’t have regular access to these necessities… and that’s a sad reality. 😦

      “It’s good to pause each day and be grateful for something.”

      Absolutely. I’ve done that almost every night for 4 or 5 years now, and not only does my bedtime routine feel incomplete without it, but it also changed my life for the better.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Something I have been grateful for lately is the protection of my rights. I see the horrors faced by people in some countries and I feel such gratitude for the freedoms I possess, freedoms I wish I could bring to them. Until then, I keep praying for peace…

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Pingback: Weekend Reads #70: Water, Hot Water | Zezee with Books

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