Stacking The Shelves, Vol. 22: An Embarrassingly Huge Haul from Barnes & Noble

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Stacking The Shelves is a weekly event hosted by Tynga’s Reviews that shares the books (both physical and virtual) that you recently purchased, borrowed from a fellow reader or the library, won from a giveaway, or received as gifts. Stacking The Shelves will post on Saturdays as new books are added to my shelves.

Today’s Stacking The Shelves post should be called “Overstuffing The Shelves.” Because when you have gift cards to Barnes & Noble and find books on your scribbled “immediate-must-have” wishlist and then spot other novels you’d learned about from the blogosphere, you realize how dangerous your love of reading can be. (*blushes*) But really, we must have ALL the pretty, shiny books, right?

Also, if you’re the kind who salivates over fantasy and science fiction, this post is for you. 😉

STS Jan 2016 Barnes & Noble

From top to bottom:

His Majesty’s Dragon (Temeraire, Book #1) by Naomi Novik (Fantasy / Alternate History): I read Uprooted last year and adored it enough that a) the book ended up on my Favorite Reads of 2015 list, and b) I knew I wanted to read more of Naomi Novik’s work. Her Temeraire series sounds much different than Uprooted but absolutely up my alley. A spin on the Napoleonic Wars – with DRAGONS. Yes, please!

City of Light (Outcast, Book #1) by Keri Arthur (Paranormal / Urban Fantasy): I’ve actually returned this book since taking this picture – because I won it from a giveaway at Bibliosanctum! Thank you, ladies! 🙂 I don’t typically read urban fantasy or paranormal, but when I read Bibliosanctum’s review of City of Light and how they praised the protagonist, unique world-building, and the emphasis on mystery, I figured I should give it a try. This is a brand new book (i.e., published this month), so I’m planning to read it as soon as the new copy arrives in the mail.

The Martian by Andy Weir (Science Fiction): AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! If you’ve been following this blog the past few months, you know how much I LOVED the movie and how EXCITED I am to read this book!! In fact, by the time this posts, I might have already finished reading it. 😀

Cinder (Lunar Chronicles, Book #1) by Marissa Meyer (YA Fairytale Retelling / Science Fiction): The Lunar Chronicles seems to be very popular right now, at least here in the US. Quite a few people have recommended Cinder to me, and it sounds really interesting. Then again, how often do we hear about futuristic sci-fi retellings of Cinderella?

Skyborn (The Seraphim, Book #1) by David Dalglish (Fantasy): Another book I heard about from Bibliosanctum. Skyborn features seraphim, a cadet training school, elemental duels, and aerial battles. Yes. You read that correctly. Aerial battles and sequences. You know you want to read this book now, too. 🙂

Wolf By Wolf (Wolf By Wolf, Book #1) by Ryan Graudin (YA Fantasy / Alternate History): I first heard about this book from writing pal Rebekah Hendrian, and the concept blew my mind. A cross-country motorcycle race? With skin-shifters? Deception and danger galore? Not to mention the Axis powers have won World War II? (*gulp*) Picking up Wolf By Wolf was therefore a no-brainer.

Mystic (Mystic, Book #1) by Jason Denzel (Fantasy): The blurb and cover enchanted me from the very beginning, and this review convinced me to add it to my wishlist. I honestly wasn’t expecting to find it at Barnes & Noble (same goes for Skyborn and City of Light) because it seems like a lesser-known title – so when it caught my eye, I didn’t hesitate to scoop it up!

Walk On Earth A Stranger (Gold Seer Trilogy, Book #1) by Rae Carson (YA Historical Fantasy): I’ve been meaning to check out Rae Carson’s work for a while, including her best-selling Fire and Thorns Trilogy. Walk On Earth A Stranger is her newest book, set during the California Gold Rush and described as “Oregon Trail with magical elements.” I was a big fan of the Oregon Trail computer game when I was younger, and the positive reviews it’s gotten have been quite persuasive.

The Wise Man’s Fear (Kingkiller Chronicles, Book #2) by Patrick Rothfuss (Fantasy): Thanks to this post and this other post, no explanation is needed here. 😀 The only downfall is that it’s 1,000 pages long. That should take me… an entire month to finish. (*MEEP*)

A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms by George R.R. Martin (Fantasy / Short Stories): Another no-brainer, being a Game of Thrones fan. This is a collection of three short story set before Martin’s epic series, and follows the adventures of a knight of the Kingsguard and a young Targaryen prince. I’m planning to read this during Season 6 of Game of Thrones. Makes sense in terms of timeliness, right?

What books did you recently buy or acquire? Have you read or are planning to read of the books discussed above? 

39 thoughts on “Stacking The Shelves, Vol. 22: An Embarrassingly Huge Haul from Barnes & Noble

  1. Holy haul, Batman! You have seriously good taste, Sara:-) Mystic and Wolf by Wolf are on my to read list, and I’m so curious to see if you love The Martian. I just bought the DVD so I think I’ll watch it this weekend. I have to admit The Wise Man’s Fear wasn’t as good (to me) as The Name of the Wind, nothing really HAPPENS. But hey its Patrick Rothfuss so it’s still good. Enjoy your books!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Tammy! I actually finished The Martian last night, and it. Was. So. GOOD!!! 😀 I’ll save my thoughts for the Recent Reads review next weekend… but I’d seen the movie last year, so I already knew what was going to happen. But comparing the two now, I can say the movie is very true to the plot and the characters – especially Mark. 😉


  2. Ah… and that last reply answered my question – I knew you’d watched the film AND now you’ve read the book, I was curious as to how closely they followed the book. I’m heartened to hear they have… we will get the DVD as soon as it comes available, as I missed watching it at the cinema:(. I’ll be fascinated to see how you get on with The Wise Man’s Fear – I loved it as I thoroughly enjoy Rothfuss’s writing.
    In the meantime, ‘Skyborn’ and ‘Cinders’ definitely sound promising and Himself would enjoy ‘Wolf by Wolf’ – love the title, btw… So I’m looking forward to how you get on with your exciting haul of books!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes. Apart from a couple events that were omitted (nothing drastic, IMO, and it was probably due to time constraints), the film for The Martian is very faithful to the book. Matt Damon’s portrayal of Mark Watney was spot-on. 😉 Let me know what you think once you’ve had a chance to see it!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m curious about Mystic. I read an interview with the author where he described the book as being a bit similar to the Hunger Games and A Wizard of Earthsea and I liked both those books so I might enjoy Mystic as well. I’m not big on sci-fi books but I’m curious about Cinder.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I was sort of thinking of A Wizard of Earthsea when I read a review of Mystic, too. I definitely want to get to that book this year. It sequel comes out in the fall, and I want to stay on top of things if I like this first one. 🙂


  4. I am literally wriggling with glee in my seat. Every single one of those books was a winner for me (the only one I have left to read is A Knight of Seven Kingdoms, but I have a good feeling about it). Congrats again on CoL, I hope you get the copy soon! The holidays and then the huge snowstorm delayed things a little, but the publicist has confirmed receipt of my message with your details 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I had a feeling you’d react that way, Mogsy! And your reviews were responsible for a good part of this haul, too. 😉

      That’s fine. I know giveaway shipments can take time. I’ll let you and the other Bibliosanctum writers know when CoL arrives!


  5. Pingback: Time Flies!: January 2016 | Sara Letourneau's Official Website & Blog

  6. Alright, dear. Great haul! You know how excited I am to read THE MARTIAN already, and I’m so jealous that you got WOLF BY WOLF because it’s been at the top of my list for ages! Tell me how it is? Also, you’re going to absolutely adore CINDER; it’s one of my favorite books, and the entire Lunar Chronicles series is simply fabulous. Lastly: I just bought WALK ON EARTH A STRANGER. I can’t wait until it comes in, and I hope you love it, too!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Ughh AMAZING haul. I am jealiss e_e
    You’re in for a treat with The Wise Man’s Fear. That book is something else. I was going to buy The Martian!! Then I decided against it because I’m trying to save money right now =s but I hope to read it soon. Great post Sara =]

    Liked by 1 person

    • Definitely check out The Martian when you have a chance, Ashana. And I’m really looking forward to The Wise Man’s Fear! It’s just that the length intimidates me because I’m a slow reader. :S

      I just noticed you have an STS post, too, so I’m off to read it now. 😉


  8. I almost feel like we need to do a buddy read for Wise Man’s Fear. I just keep looking at those thousand pages and then putting it aside in dismay.
    I hope you enjoy Cinder! I just found it so fun (and all the obviously Asian pop culture inspired bits helped, lol).
    Now I really want to read The Martian!
    His Majesty’s Dragon was a fun book. I haven’t read the rest of the series, but I really liked the first one 🙂
    Thanks for the shoutout. I just saw that Ryan Graudin posted the cover for the sequel. It can’t come out soon enough. I need more motorcycle racing and shifting in my life right now. And I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS . . .
    I’m interested to see what you think of Walk on Earth a Stranger too. This is a great haul, and some fabulous choices. Happy Reading!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Rebekah! 🙂

      I’d be glad to do a buddy read of Wise Man’s Fear if you think that might help. Though I warn you, I’m kind of a slow reader… But let me know if you want to do that.

      Pssst, my review of The Martian is coming on Sunday. That’s when Recent Reads will post. 😉 Though you can already find the review on Goodreads, too.

      OOOOH?? I heard about a Wolf By Wolf novella called Iron To Iron coming out in March. But the sequel’s name has been confirmed, too?? *runs off to Goodreads*


      • I read so many books at once that I am slow when it comes to long ones! (This is one of my worst habits – starting 5 or 6 books at a time . . .)

        Yes, Iron to Iron is the novella (that just had a cover posted). I’m pretty excited about that. But I was more excited to get confirmation of a full sequel this year.

        I’ll look for that review then. I’ve been itching for some good scifi.

        Liked by 1 person

  9. Pingback: Stacking The Shelves, Vol. 23: Mermaids, Fairies, and Magic Galore | Sara Letourneau's Official Website & Blog

  10. Pingback: Five Benefits of Buddy-Reading | Sara Letourneau's Official Website & Blog

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