Thursday, March 26: Online Poetry Reading via Facebook (Plus, a Message of Well Wishes and Support)

Hey, everyone. (*waves hello*)

First and foremost, how are you and your loved ones doing? So many people are sick, discouraged, or anxious right now, and it hurts me to know this. But that’s the reality we’re dealing with because of the COVID-19 outbreak. Almost every aspect of our lives has been put on hold for the time being. So I wanted to reach out, say hello, and make sure you’re OK.

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Some of My Favorite Things: A Blog Hop

Guess what, everyone? I created a blog hop! šŸ™‚

The truth is, Iā€™ve had a hard time thinking of topics to blog about now that Iā€™m back from my (unexpected) hiatus. Itā€™s as if my brain is a car engine thatā€™s having trouble startingā€¦ and itā€™s a strange feeling, to not know what to write about. So I figured, maybe the best way to get those creative juices flowing again is to do something easy and fun. And thatā€™s how the Some of My Favorite Things was born.

I also had a goal for this post: to choose ā€œfavoritesā€ I havenā€™t blogged about before. In other words, you wonā€™t find anything bookish, writerly, or tea-related (well, at least not tea recommendations *lol*) here. So I think you’ll discover a few new things about me today – and maybe we’ll find we had more in common than we did before. šŸ™‚

So, what did I choose as some of my favorite things? You’ll have to read on to find out. šŸ˜‰
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