Poetry News! Plus, an Overdue Update

Hi, everyone. It’s been a while, hasn’t it?

Don’t worry. I’m doing well for the most part, and my loved ones and I have managed to stay healthy during the pandemic. This year has also been extremely busy, especially with growing my book editing and writing coaching business Heart of the Story. So as time has gone on, I’ve had to let blogging slide for various reasons. Continue reading

What’s Making Me Happy: December 2018 and January 2019

Winter in Massachusetts means that, as a resident, you often get some… interesting weather. Two Sundays ago, we had a storm that started as snow, then changed to rain and later to sleet / freezing rain. Then our high temperatures for the next two days were in the single digits Fahrenheit, with wind chills below 0. (Plus, all the snow and rain that had fallen? It froze.) By that Thursday, it was precipitating like crazy again – except it was pouring rain, because the temps had warmed up to over 50 deg F (10 deg C). 😮

And then, on other days, it’s still cold but at least nice enough for moments like the banner image. 🙂 So where was I when I took this photo? And what joys from the past 2 months did I decide to share today? Let’s get right to it! Continue reading