A Look Back on My Growth as a Blogger (#MyFirstPostRevisited Blog Hop)

Recently I was nominated by the wonderfully bookish and insightful Nandini @ Pages That Rustle for the #MyFirstPostRevisited Blog Hop. (Thanks for nominating me, Nandini!) And having celebrated my eighth blogoversary last month, now seemed like a good time to look back on how I’ve grown as a blogger since the day I launched this site.

First things first, though. The #MyFirstPostRevisited Blog Hop was created by Sarah Brentyn @ Lemon Shark. And since every blog tag has rules, let’s go over them now:

The Rules for the #MyFirstPostRevisited Blog Hop

  1. No cheating. You must highlight your first post. Not your second post, not one you love… the first post only.
  2. Link back to the person who tagged you (thank them if you feel like it or, if not, curse them with a plague of ladybugs).
  3. Cut and paste your old post into a new post or reblog your own bad self. (Either way is fine, but NO editing.)
  4. Put the hashtag #MyFirstPostRevisited in your title.
  5. Tag five (5) other bloggers to take up this challenge.
  6. Notify your tags in the comment section of their blog (don’t just hope they notice a pingback somewhere in their spam).
  7. Feel free to cut and paste the badge to use in your post.
  8. Include “the rules” in your post.
  9. Completely silly rules that I’m making up as I type:
    • Write your post while wolfing down your favorite dessert.
    • Do 10 cartwheels after you hit “Publish.”

So, What Was My First Blog Post?

My first blog post, dated July 12th, 2009, was titled “Welcome – and Pardon the Dust!”:

Welcome to the official website and blog for creative writer and freelance music journalist Sara Letourneau!

This site is currently under construction as of July 12, 2009.  Eventually I’ll add pages about myself, my poetry, my fantasy novels, and my CD reviews and interviews for the online music store Sonic Cathedral.  So, please bookmark this site and come back again!

Thanks for stopping by!

Well… that was… not very interesting. (*lol*) Obviously I was in the middle of building my blog when I published that post. But I can understand the mentality I must have had. If anyone visited the blog while it was under construction, this first post was my way of saying, “Hi! I’ll have more to share soon!”

Reading that first blog post also made me curious about my second one. So I checked, and the second post (dated July 30, 2009) was “CD Review: Stream of Passion – “The Flame Within.” In fact, my first two months’ worth of blog posts were links to my newest CD reviews at Sonic Cathedral and brief announcements of blog / website updates. I didn’t post anything bookish or writing-related until October 2009; and after that, my posts were a mix of CD review and interview links, other music I was listening to at the time, book reviews, and updates on the novel I was working on then (which, if long-time readers are curious, was not The Keeper’s Curse, but the WIP before it).

One Similarity Between My Music Journalism Days and My Current Writing Pursuits

As I looked through my oldest blog posts, my first thought was, “Sonic Cathedral… that seems like a lifetime ago.” And it is, in some ways.

I spent over 5 1/2 years (August 2008 through April 2014) as a staff writer for Sonic Cathedral, covering female-fronted rock and metal bands through CD reviews, interviews, and occasional concert reports. During that time, music – not creative writing – was my life. When I wasn’t writing about the bands or genres I covered, I was attending shows, following news and other updates on Facebook and various websites, and chatting about it with my ever-expanding “musical social circle.” I was immersed in it, blissfully and enthusiastically so. Anything else I was writing then was considered a “side project.”

Then in mid-2013, when I was writing the first draft of TKC and after my first published poems had appeared in literary journals, my interests began to shift. Writing fantasy and poetry, and learning everything I could about either genre, energized and inspired me… while writing anything for Sonic Cathedral felt like homework. And so I left the webzine in 2014 to focus on creative writing.

So what am I doing now, 3 years later? I’m drafting yet another novel. I’m writing poetry again after a 4-year break. I’m a columnist for DIY MFA and Writers Helping Writers. I’ve attended writing workshops, literary conferences in Massachusetts and NYC, and even a writing retreat in Iceland. I’m reading more books than I used to, and with more purpose and joy. Most of the blogs and social media I follow are geared toward writing, reading, or speculative fiction. And though I still listen to much of the same music I listened to during my SC days, I don’t follow it as closely as I used to.

In other words, I’m as immersed (if not more so) in my creative writing pursuits as I once was in music journalism. Then again, when you’re passionate about something, whether it’s your full-time focus or something you’re fitting in part-time, you naturally gravitate toward people and activities that further fuel that passion and pull you in deeper.

Five Things I’ve Learned About Blogging Since My First Post

So what have I learned in the 8 years I’ve been blogging? Here are five of the most notable lessons so far, as well as how each one has helped me grow as a blogger and writer.

1. Having a Niche Allows You to Stay Focused and Attract the Right Audience

When I first started blogging (and for several years afterward), I wanted to pursue every blog post idea I could. Book reviews, CD reviews, writing tips, updates on writing projects, “field trip” reports on interested events or places I visited – to me, they were all adorable Pokémon, and I wanted to catch ALL of them.

(Sorry. Couldn’t help myself. *wink*)

That ambition has its ups and downs, though. Having so many ideas meant that I was inspired and would stay busy for a while. But it also meant that the blog had no “niche,” or no central focus. (In fact, I’d never heard of the term “blogging niche” until 2 or 3 years ago.) So for my first couple years here, I was sort of throwing various colored globs of mud on the wall, paying little attention to what was sticking and what wasn’t. And I probably confused a lot of visitors along the way.

Today, I understand the value of a blogging niche. It encourages you to be focused, purposeful, and selective with your topics. That way, when visitors check out your site, they’ll accurately realize your role and interests and decide whether they’ll enjoy or benefit from following you. And, you’ll be willing to let go of some of those cute Pokémon – er, ideas – because they no longer have a place in your overall vision. Or, you can limit them to a periodic blog series (e.g., my monthly What’s Making Me Happy posts, where I highlight five sources of joy from the past month that aren’t related to books or writing).

2. It’s Better to Honor Your Limits and Adapt Over Time Than to Overcommit Yourself

One of my worst habits, then and now, is spreading myself too thin. Not only did I have so many blog post ideas, but I also hated letting any of them go or turning down worthwhile opportunities. This led to another downside of being overly ambitious with blogging: You don’t have time to pursue everything. And if you don’t honor your limits or foresee necessary changes to make, you risk burning yourself out.

I’ve reached that point twice with blogging – in just the past year alone. The first time was last September, when I was trying to maintain a three-days-per-week posting schedule on top of novel revisions, my day job, and traveling to Cape Cod every other weekend to visit my parents and eventually exhausted myself. (Admittedly, this also happened after attending a writing conference and being a bridesmaid in a friend’s wedding.) The second time was this past February, in response to changes to my daily routine and personal life – and the resulting anxiety I needed to address.

In both cases, I realized I couldn’t keep up with the blogging schedule I’d created. It was tough, because I enjoy blogging and connecting with people here. (Plus, everyone wants more time for the things they enjoy, right?) But each time, it reminded me to be more selective about what I post by prioritizing, decreasing my schedule, and recognizing when my “personal energy tank” was running low.

Today, when I sit down to blog, I take care of my DIY MFA or Writers Helping Writers deadlines first. If there’s time leftover, then I work something for this site. Sometimes that means posting quotes for both Weekly Writers Wisdom and Thursday Thoughtfulness in one week, or postponing a post until it’s ready. And when I’m on the Cape, I’m often too busy to respond to comments or visit friends’ sites. But that’s OK. At this point in my life, I need to be more strategic and flexible with my blogging… and I’ve finally begun to feel more relaxed about it as a result.

3. Quality Matters More Than Quantity

My blog posts lean toward the longer side. It’s partly because the topics I enjoy writing about require an in-depth approach to result in a satisfying article. But it’s also because I tend to be detailed (maybe too detailed at times) in my writing. Either way, longer articles take more time to write, which impacts one’s blogging schedule as much as other limitations and responsibilities. The only times I write short blog posts are for “news updates” or Weekly Writers Wisdom / Thursday Thoughtfulness quotes, or (to be frank) if I half-ass the post.

I’d rather not do the latter. I take a great deal of pride in my writing, and the idea of not giving an article the time and attention it deserves makes me cringe. So, I focus on quality instead of quantity, ensuring each article is as well-written, engaging, or informative as it can be before I consider it done. And judging from the comments, the number of returning visitors, and the popularity of certain blog posts here, readers seem to agree with this philosophy, too.

4. The Right Social Media for You Can Help with Publicizing Your Posts

For my first few years of blogging, the only social media I used was Facebook. At first it was a convenient place for sharing posts. But over time, the links drew less traffic, probably because most of my Facebook friends are family and real-life friends or acquaintances – people who, despite their personal connection to me, might not have been interested in what I was blogging about. Eventually I branched out to Twitter in February 2014, and Goodreads and Pinterest not too long after.

So, guess which social media has been most helpful in increasing this site’s traffic? Yup. To me, Twitter is an easier place for writers to follow and support one another, and less focused and time-consuming than Facebook. Plus, the writing community on Twitter is incredibly generous, frequently sharing or retweeting links to articles they like. In fact, most of the Twitter referrals to this site have been from other Tweeters, not myself. (If you’re curious, Pinterest has been my second most successful social media for publicizing blog posts.)

Other bloggers may have a different “recipe” that works for them. The point is, social media really can help increase traffic to your blog. But first, it’s important to figure out which social media sites best fit your needs, schedule, and personal tastes. It may require time and “trial and error,” but the rewards you’ll reap when you find what works for you will be worth it.

What’s weird, though, is that as I’m writing this post, I’m on an extended break from most social media. I’ll explain why and how this happened in next week’s post.

5. Be Yourself, Be Genuinely Interested in Others, and Be Pleasantly Surprised

I couldn’t single out one of these last three lessons to share, because they’re all important. So I’ll summarize them briefly:

Your blog should reflect you. After all, it’s your corner of the Internet. So once you’ve decided on your niche, make sure you feel at home with the rest of your blog, from the topics you discuss to the color scheme and other aesthetics. Even your blogging “voice” should reflect who you are, down to your unique ways of expressing excitement, frustration, and other emotions.

Blogging is a great way of cultivating relationships with like-minded people. I’ve met so many writers, book bloggers (especially SF&F readers), and other wonderful creatives from all over the world. Some live only a couple states away; others, as far as the UK, India, and Japan. And while I can’t recall how I met them all, I know it must have been a combination of responding to comments on my blog posts and visiting other people’s sites. Do the same in your blogging ventures, and you’ll encourage people to return to your site while making new friends.

Allow yourself to be pleasantly surprised by readers’ responses. Sometimes I have trouble gauging how readers might receive an upcoming post. I always hope they’ll like it, but it’s easier for me to focus on what interests or fascinates me within my niche. And for the most part, I’ve been blown away by the overall response. I could go on about which posts I never expected to be so popular, which ones are still going strong statistically, and so on. But more than statistics, I appreciate the discussions that certain posts have encouraged, or comments such as how one bit of advice or a Thursday Thoughtfulness quote was “exactly what I needed right now.” This kind of feedback does more than warm my heart – it also motivates me to keep writing and blogging.

My Nominees for the #MyFirstPostRevisited Blog Hop

Here are my nominees for the #MyFirstPostRevisited Blog Hop. As always, don’t feel obligated to accept the challenge, or to do the in-depth look-back that I did. (Check out Nandini’s post here to see how #MyFirstPostRevisited is typically done.) But if you’re interested in “tagging along,” I’d love to see what you dig up. Just link back to this blog post so I can read yours once it’s live. 😉

  1. Jessica @elDimensional
  2. Mei-Mei @ Jedi By Knight
  3. Sarah Zama @ The Old Shelter
  4. Zezee @ Zezee With Books 
  5. YOU – in other words, anyone else who wants to revisit their first blog post

What are some of the lessons you’ve learned during your time as a blogger? How have you changed as a writer since your Day 1? 

30 thoughts on “A Look Back on My Growth as a Blogger (#MyFirstPostRevisited Blog Hop)

  1. Oh goodness, thanks so much for the nomination, Sara!
    I really really enjoyed your post. I think much of mine will echo yours, because I agree on so many things.
    But I really enjoyed reading about your early days as a blogger. My blog isn’t as old as yours, so it has gone though less change, while yours has been reborn as a new incarnation and that’s so intersting. I like this idea of a blog that changes as we change. I think blogging is really what refects us the most on the internet… maybe this is why I like it so much.
    Thanks again for the nomination. And congratulation on yours, it’s well deserved 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • You’re welcome, Sarah! 🙂 Btw, sorry I haven’t been visiting your blog as much lately. I’ve had to cut down again on my blog-visiting time, but I do try to stop in when I can. I hope all is well with you.

      Like I said in my post, you don’t have to go into detail about what you’ve learned since you started blogging. It was just something extra I did as I reflected on my first post. But you certainly can if you want to. I’d be interesting in reading it, especially given your blog’s theme topics.

      You know, I hadn’t thought of that before: how a blog is really an extension of ourselves. If we change, the blog will likely change along with us. I think that pretty well sums up why blogging is my favorite Internet activity, too.


  2. This is such an interesting book tag, now I’m curious to see what my first post was! I’m sure it was something similar to yours, “here’s who I am and come back soon to read more.” Although I cringe every time I read one of my posts from the first year or two, so maybe I should leave it alone;-) It’s interesting to read how your blog focus changed over the years!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Isn’t it? I remember thinking the same thing when I read Nandini’s post, especially since I couldn’t remember what my first post had been. 🙂

      And I know what you mean about it being cringe-inducing: I felt the same way when I read mine! *lol* But when we’re new at blogging, we aren’t really supposed to know what we’re doing, I think, and that’s OK. We learn as time goes on, and we become better at it. It’s natural.

      Thanks for stopping by, Tammy!


  3. Oh, I LOVE this tag, Sara. While you’re right – your first post didn’t exactly set the world on fire, you are an excellent blogger and I was fascinated to see how you summed up your blogging experience. Many thanks for sharing your first article and your thoughts and ideas on your journey through the blogosphere to date:))

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Sarah! It’s a neat blog hop idea, isn’t it? And it really was interesting to rediscover that first post and reflect on how much the blog has changed and how I’ve grown as a writer and blogger since Day 1. Did it make you think about your own beginnings as a blogger? How long have you been blogging, btw? I know from having beta-read Running Out of Space that we’ve known each other… two years, maybe?

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I think that was quite a sensible approach to your first post! 🙂 I think figuring out what you want to do can take time, it certainly has for me. I hope I’m getting there anyway!

    I love your longer posts, and the detail you go into. I’ve learned a lot from your site, about writing and blogging. Thank you for still writing here, even on a reduced schedule. 🙂 And I hope you’re well.

    Liked by 1 person

    • *lol* It definitely does take time – closer to years than months – to get a good handle on blogging and understand what approach, niche, etc. works best for you. It takes patience and persistence (then again, any type of writing does), but it’s all worth it in the end.

      Really? Sometimes I’m afraid that the longer posts might scare readers away. (*laughs, then blushes*) But I really appreciate hearing this, and I’m glad you’ve found the blog a worthwhile and valuable place. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Thanks for the tag–this will be fun to do! I haven’t been blogging quite as long as you, but I’ve definitely learned a lot since my first post…which I think basically said “Hi, this is my blog.” haha

    Liked by 1 person

    • You’re welcome! When I was thinking of nominees, my two questions were, “Who I have not nominated before or in a while?” and “Who might have had an interesting first post?” 😉 Looking forward to seeing yours when it’s ready!


  6. Ooo! I want to do this! This is a great post! I didn’t know a lot of this about your blog. It’s amazing how blogs evolve. When I first started my blog I started with character interviews, because I didn’t feel qualified to give writing advice since I wasn’t published.


    Liked by 1 person

    • Go right ahead, Tori! That’s what the “open” nomination was for at the end. 😉

      And thanks for your comments. That was one of my hang-ups about posting “writing tips” posts early on, too. I’d think, “I’m not published, so how does that make me qualified to write those kinds of posts?” Now I realize it’s not so much about “lack of qualifications,” but the willingness to share your experiences and help other writers learn from them. That comes with time, experience, and courage, though; and I think most of us don’t have enough of those when we first start blogging. But that changes the longer we continue to write and blog. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I really enjoyed your tips!! As of late, I’ve been at a loss for blogging. Nothing just seems important enough worth writing about 😦

    And thank you for the tag, too! As always, I am perpetually playing catch-up with the blogs, and I’ve yet to post anything recent, though I do have one in the works — now, two! Unlike your consistently informative and helpful posts, I always seem to have nothing to say. Unless I’m writing a book review, of course. Apparently, I just hit my blog anniversary 3 days ago! But that goes by when it was officially opened, I believe.

    Liked by 1 person

    • :/ Don’t be so hard on yourself. Everyone has something worthwhile to say or share, IMO. Maybe you’re just in a blogging slump right now? It’s hard to think of ideas (or feel confident in your blogging) when that happens.

      How is the new WIP coming along, btw? You talked about it a little bit in your latest blog post. Have you experimented with first person yet to see if it flows better than third person?

      The tag is a preliminary (or belated? I don’t remember now) thank-you for one of the tags you recently nominated me for. 😉 I like to do that when people nominate me for blog hops or awards: keep them in mind for future blog hops / awards I received from other bloggers. It’s a sort of blogging karma, I guess? And in a good way, I hope.

      Liked by 1 person

      • You’re so encouraging, thank you! My daily life just feels pretty mundane, but oh well, I’d rather offer something substantive once a month rather than blather on about nothing a couple times a week.

        And I haven’t gotten the opportunity to rewrite that first chapter yet! The art commissions have picked up again, so alas, I haven’t had the time (hence, my mundane life!). I’ll definitely write up a post about the differences, though, I have a feeling they’ll be drastic.

        And I always love getting blog-tagged! Sometimes, you just have to step back and get a little personal. It’s definitely a good karmic exchange!

        Liked by 1 person

      • *blushes* It’s my nature to be encouraging. 🙂

        Nice. I’ll be interested in reading that post if/when you get around to it. And hey, nothing wrong with new art commissions, right? Does art give you a similar fulfillment that writing does? (And are you paid for it? I’m assuming that’s what you meant by “commission”?)

        Yay for good karmic exchanges! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • You’re one of the kindest people I’ve met ^^ And I mean that whole-heartedly!

        I’ve been art-ing it away for so long, it’s more of an old trusty friend that hangs around no matter what. One that can and will cause me ire and frustration, but I keep going back to it because it’s just a natural part of me. (And yes, I do get paid for it, thankfully!) But don’t get me wrong, it’s very fulfilling… I can get the final product in a fraction of the time it takes to write a finished product!

        My approach to writing as a friend differs… but maybe that’s because I don’t get paid for it? Once money becomes a part of the equation, I’ve noticed that it raises my self-expectations of the finished product. I.e., it takes away half the pleasure. For me, writing is fun, almost like a puzzle.

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Such a great post, Sara, and some great advice there too. I really like #2 because it is easy to overcommit to things when you’re all excited about blogging. That’s how I felt when I decided to get serious about it. And it’s interesting to see how your focus has changed over the years from music journalism (which sounds awesome!) to more creative pursuits.
    Thanks for tagging me! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Zezee. 🙂 And I agree, excitement (or maybe “overzealousness” is the more appropriate word?) can play a big role in overcommitting yourself to anything, not just blogging. Every idea looks pretty and shiny, and you want to polish all of those ideas until they’re brilliant – until you realize how much time and energy is involved in all of that polishing. It also reminds me a little bit of the “Superwoman” / honoring your reality post I did for DIY MFA earlier this year. There’s so much we might want to do, but we have to keep our limitations in mind before we start saying “Yes” to everything.

      Yes, music journalism. 🙂 That was a lot of fun when my heart was in it. And you know overwhelming a TBR pile of books can be? That was my iPod library about 6 years ago. XD Bands, PR agencies, and record labels would send us promotional downloads of albums, so it was easy for one’s music collection to mushroom. And the interviews were fun, too…. And now this is giving me ideas for facts I can share in an upcoming blog award post. Hmmmmmm. 🙂

      You’re welcome, btw! If you decide to do it, I look forward to seeing what your first post was.


      • Oh I plan to do it. My first post wasn’t great though. And I forgot what it was. This will be a trip down memory lane.

        And yea, these stuff take a lot of time. It’s partly why my blogging has been so spotty lately. I usually would have time during the week to draft posts, but now I only have the weekend and my weekends have been full so I’m down to just over an hour on the weekend.

        Liked by 1 person

  9. Pingback: #MyFirstPostRevisited Blog Tag – Jedi by Knight

  10. Pingback: My First Post Revisited | ellDimensional

  11. I enjoyed this in depth look at your blog’s growth. It’s helpful to see how other blogs progress. At times I’ve felt like my blog’s progress was so slow, but it really does take a long time to find the right niche and a consistent schedule.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It really does take a while, and even then it’s bound to evolve over time. So what was your niche when you began (if you had one at the time) might be slightly different down the road. But someone else (I forget who) made the comment that our blogs often change as we / our lives do. That’s an accurate insight, I think.

      Thanks for reading, btw. 🙂


  12. It’s interesting to look back, isn’t it? I can see how it helped you to see your own growth (including making difficult decisions), and define things that really interest you, things that you’re really passionate about (instead of just enjoying them).
    I think your insights are very useful, and if I’m not going to follow them, it’s only for the reason that I don’t really consider myself a blogger. My posts are irregular, and I don’t engage with the community enough. But it was still a good read, and if I ever take my blogging more seriously, I’ll be sure to revisit this post!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Pingback: New DIY MFA Post on Revenge as a Literary Theme (Plus, Looking for Your Help with This Year’s Blogoversary) | Sara Letourneau's Official Website & Blog

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